The Office, "Threat Level Midnight" best lines of the night
The Office for the fans this week. The episode brings back some familiar faces along with a note of the second season (Jan and Karen!): "Threat Level Midnight". Then Pam took a screenplay by Michael had worked, and now the film is finally ready to see. The Do-it-production stars Michael as "Michael Scarne, a policeman, the saving of faces against a villain named Gold Face (played by Jim Halpert Gold Make-up) to the NHL All-Star game. With little guidance from his personal Sensei, Cherokee Jack (Creed), Scarne prepares to hit the ice, when a group of hostages (including Pam, Kevin and Toby) are waiting for rescue.
The staff gather in the conference room for the premiere of the film, but when Holly enthusiastic about the work of Michael, makes his bruised ego hit him with his mistress. Then something surprising happens: Michael to back down. Just as he was the film without Holly was at his side, he realizes how ridiculous it is - and how stupid it is to punish with Holly. He admits he is wrong, and the two reconcile. Could it be that Michael Scott is really up to?
The stupid movie provides an entertaining episode, if not exactly drive the show forward the story. But who cares? It's fun! Let's go over the best odds, as you read.
* Dwight: "But Michael Samuel thought a sophisticated android should be no question of a real person."
Michael: "Dwight does not robots."
* "The joke about you, face of gold. This man was a rapist wildlife." - Scarne (Michael survived by his hatred of Toby in the film)
* "You jump to the right and shake his hand,
And right on the left side and shake the hand
Meet new friends, that thread tie
And that's how you do Scarne "- Scarne (Michael) who breaks into a random dance named after him Scarne, each put.!
* Ryan: "You have in the festivals of strength."
Kevin: "From Carnival."
* "Holly, this is not Oceans 11, where you and all your friends are, and you just have fun, and not, as it turns out." - Michael, Holly tried to explain that his film seriously.