Brightest Day is a year-long comic book maxi-series that began in April 2010. The story follows the ending of the series Blackest Night and how the aftermath of these events affect the entire DC Universe.
At the end of "Blackest Night", 12 heroes and villains were resurrected for some unknown purpose. The events of Brightest Day follow the exploits of these heroes and villains as they attempt to learn the secret behind their salvation.
Brightest Day #7 revealed that the 12 resurrected must complete an individual assignment given to them by the White Lantern Entity. If they are successful, their life will be fully returned.
Professor Zoom helped release Barry Allen from the Speed Force. (Mentioned in The Flash: Rebirth #4)
Jade balanced the darkness. (Shown in Justice League of America #48)
Osiris freed Isis, the goddess of nature. (Shown in Titans #32)
Maxwell Lord stopped Magog from bringing about the events seen in Kingdom Come. (Shown in Justice League: Generation Lost #13)
Hawkgirl prevented Hath-Set from killing Hawkman. (Shown in Brightest Day #18)
Hawkman closed the dimensional gateway between Hawkworld and Earth. (Shown in Brightest Day #18)
Aquaman already enlisted the new Aqualad to his side before the "others" do. (Shown in Brightest Day #20)
Martian Manhunter burned down the Martian forest, killed D'Kay D'razz and chose to devote himself to the protection of Earth. (Shown in Brightest Day #21)
Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond defeated the Black Lantern corruption in their Firestorm Matrix before it destroyed the universe. (Shown in Brightest Day #22)
Captain Boomerang threw a boomerang at Dove. (Shown in Brightest Day #24)
Hawk failed to catch the boomerang. (Shown in Brightest Day #24)
Boston Brand found the new champion who will bear the white light of life and take the Entity's place. (Revealed as Alec Holland, the new Swamp Thing as of Brightest Day #24)
Publication history
The series, written by Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi, is scheduled to be published twice a month for 24 issues (25 if including issue #0) alternating with Justice League: Generation Lost written by Keith Giffen and Judd Winick. Johns has discussed the general theme:
Brightest Day is about second chances. I think it’s been obvious from day one that there are major plans for the heroes and villains from Aquaman to take center stage in the DC Universe, among many others, post-Blackest Night. 'Brightest Day' is not a banner or a vague catch-all direction for the DC Universe, it is a story. Nor is 'Brightest Day' a sign that the DC Universe is going to be all about 'light and brighty' superheroes. Some second chances work out…some don’t.
Brightest Day will also reportedly be crossing over into the Green Lantern series, the Green Lantern Corps, Justice League of America, The Titans and The Flash. It was later announced that Gail Simone would return to a new volume of the Birds of Prey comic book, which will also be under the same banner. Other tie ins include the first few issues of a relaunched Green Arrow and the Justice Society of America which will share a storyline with Justice League of America in July/August.[citation needed] Jeff Lemire is also writing the one-shot Brightest Day: Atom with artist Mahmud Asrar, that is designed to act as a springboard for an Atom story to co-feature in Adventure Comics with the same creative team.
It has also been announced that the Green Lantern series will feature more of the characters Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker, and Indigo-1 in a story arc entitled "New Guardians." At Emerald City Comic-Con 2010, Johns also stated that Firestorm would be a "main character" in Brightest Day.[9]
The first issue, issue #0, was penciled by Fernando Pasarin. David Finch, a newly DC exclusive artist, will illustrate the covers for the entire series.
In June 2010, writer Geoff Johns announced that the "Brightest Day" event would also be used to introduce Jackson Hyde, the new Aqualad created for the Young Justice animated series, into the DC Universe. Similarly, the final issue of the series reintroduced Swamp Thing and John Constantine into the mainstream DC Universe after a number of years in DC's mature Vertigo imprint.
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Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 01 - Green Lantern (v4) 053
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 02 - Green Lantern Corps (v2) 047
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 03 - The Flash (v5) 01
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 04 - Justice League of America 044
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 05 - Justice League - Generation Lost 01
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 06 - Justice League - Generation Lost 02
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 07 - Green Lantern (v4) 054
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 08 - Green Lantern Corps (v2) 048
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 09 - The Flash (v5) 02
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 10 - Justice League of America 045
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 11 - Titans - Villains For Hire 01
Download Brightest Day Tie-In - 12 - Birds of Prey (v2) 01