Marsupilami is a fictional comic book species created by André Franquin, first published on 31 January 1952 in the magazine Spirou. Since then it appeared regularly in the popular Belgian comic book series Spirou et Fantasio until Franquin stopped working on the series in 1968 and the character dropped out soon afterward. In the late 1980s, the Marsupilami got its own successful spin-off series of comic albums, Marsupilami, written by Greg, Yann and Dugomier and drawn by Batem, launching the publishing house Marsu Productions. Later, two animated shows featuring this character, as well as a Sega Genesis video game and a variety of other merchandise followed. The asteroid 98494 Marsupilami is named in its honour.
The name is a portmanteau of the words marsupial, Pilou-Pilou (the French name for Eugene the Jeep, a character Franquin loved as a kid) and ami, French for friend.
Marsupilami's adventures had been translated to several languages, like Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese and several Scandinavian languages. More than three million albums of the Marsupilami series are claimed to have been sold by Marsu Productions.
One album of Spirou and Fantasio featuring Marsupilami, number 15, was translated to English by Fantasy Flight Publishing in 1995, although it is currently out of print. Plans on releasing number 16 ended halfway through the translation process, due to bad sales. In 2007, Egmont's subsidiary Euro Books translated albums number 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 for the Indian market.
The marsupilami is a black-spotted yellow monkey-like creature. Male marsupilamis have an incredibly long, strong, flexible and prehensile tail which can be used for almost anything. Female marsupilamis have a much shorter tail, but still long compared to real animals. Unlike the males, the females also walk on the tips of their toes. When the animal rebounds, he makes a funny noise: "Boing". Males also have eyes that are not completely separate while females have two separate eyes. Female marsupilamis also have a totally different voice than the males. Males say "houba" most of the time, while females say "houbii", which means the same thing as houba, but sounds more feminine.
"The Marsupilami" refers originally to the individual captured and then adopted by Spirou and Fantasio, which they never bothered to name because he was the only known specimen. The Spirou et Fantasio album Le nid des Marsupilamis is mostly concerned with a documentary-within-the-comic about the life of a family of marsupilamis still living in the wild in Palombia. The spin-off comics later drawn by Batem star those, and the title of the series now refers to the - also unnamed - father in this family, and not to Spirou's original Marsupilami.
In these series, Marsupilami's wife is referred to as Marsupilamie (a female version of the name) but their three young are named, respectively, Bibi, Bibu and Bobo. Mars le noir (Mars the Black) is another specimen, which first appears in the album Mars le Noir. A former captive marsupilami, he first finds it hard to live again in the forest. After failing to seduce Marsupilamie, he becomes jealous of Marsupilami and nearly gets into a fight with him. Later, he meets a black female marsupilami, named Vénus, who becomes his mate. In Baby Prinz, another specimen, an elderly male who lives in a zoo, is featured. Altogether, that comes to eight specimens in Palombia, plus Spirou and Fantasio's pet. Marsupilamis can come in colours of yellow, yellow with black spots, dark blue, white, white with black spots, and dark blue with yellow spots. Only the yellow, yellow with black spots and dark blue marsupilami's show up in cartoon.
Download Link :
Download Marsupilami - 00 - Vang 'Ns Een Marsupilami!
Download Marsupilami - 01 - De Staart Van De Marsupilami
Download Marsupilami - 02 - De Bamboe-Baby
Download Marsupilami - 03 - Mars, De Zwarte
Download Marsupilami - 04 - Stuifmeel Op De Monte Urticando
Download Marsupilami - 05 - Baby Prinz
Download Marsupilami - 06 - Fordlandia
Download Marsupilami - 07 - Het Goud Van Boavista
Download Marsupilami - 08 - De Tempel Van Boavista
Download Marsupilami - 09 - De Vlinderjagers
Download Marsupilami - 10 - Herrie In Palombie
Download Marsupilami - 11 - Hoeba Banana
Download Marsupilami - 12 - Gesjoemel In Jollywood
Download Marsupilami - 13 - Het Jaguardefile
Download Marsupilami - 14 - Het Godenkind
Download Marsupilami - 15 - Wat Is Dit Voor 'N Circus
Download Marsupilami - 16 - Een Nummer Apart
Download Marsupilami - 17 - De Orchidee Van De Chahuta's
Download Marsupilami - 18 - Robinson Academy
Download Marsupilami - 19 - Witte Magie
Download Marsupilami - 20 - Viva Palombia!
Download Marsupilami - 21 - Red Monster
Download Marsupilami - 22 - Chiquite Paradiso
Download Marsupilami - 23 - Een groene val